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词汇turn out/turn up突破复习知识点考点

2022-12-19| 发布者: 泽州便民网| 查看: 144| 评论: 3|来源:互联网

摘要: 词汇turnout/turnup突破复习知识点考点【原句呈现】1.IntheendeverythingturnsoutOK...(turnsout=provestobe)2.Doyouhavetoturnupyourmusicsol...
词汇turn out/turn up突破复习知识点考点
【原句呈现】1.In the end everything turns out OK... (turns out=proves to be)
2.Do you have to turn up your music so loud?(查一查字典“turn down”的意思)
①He suddenly turned up in front of my eyes, making me nervous.他突然出现在我面前,让我感到很紧张。
②If you’re cold, I can turn the heat up.如果你冷的话,我可以把暖气开大一些。
③The party turned out to be very successful.晚会结果开得很成功。
④Turn the heat down or your cake will burn.把热度调低吧,要不蛋糕就要糊了。
⑤It usually takes courage to turn down an invitation.拒绝邀请通常需要勇气。
turn out(to be=prove to be)的意义为:结果,证明(是)
turn up的意义为:开大/调高(音量、热量等);露面,出现

turn down调小/调低(音量、热量等),拒绝/不接受 


①I can’t stand the loud music. Can you _______ the radio a little?
A. turn up    B. turn down C. turn out    D. turn over
【答案与解析】B。turn down调低音量。句意:我忍受不了这种大声的音乐。你能不能把收音机的音量调低一点?
②—My watch is nowhere to be found. 
—Don’t worry! I’m sure it will _______ sometime when you’re not looking for it. 
A. turn up B. put up C. take up D. pick up 
【答案与解析】A。turn up出现。句意:“我的手表哪儿都找不到了。”“别担心!我相信有时你不找它的时候,它就会出现的。”
③Please _______ the radio a little; I’d like to listen to the news.
A. turn up B. turn on C. turn down D. turn off
【答案与解析】A。turn up开大音量。请把收音机音量开大一些,我想听听新闻。
④I shouldn’t have accepted the man’s present, but I found it difficult to _______ his offer. 
A. turn up B. turn on C. turn down D. turn off
【答案与解析】C 。turn down拒绝/不接受。句意:我本不该接受那个人的礼物,但很难拒绝他的好意(礼物)。故选A。

1). We have lessons every day, ___________. 
A. Sunday included   B. Sunday including   C. Sunday is including   D. all the above
2). The boy fell asleep,___________.
A. cap on head   B. with a cap on head   C. a cap was on head   D. all the above
3). Father came home,_________
A. a dog following him            B. a dog followed him  
C. being followed by a dog         D. all the above

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